Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Self-Publishing Options — Part 2

    Self-Publishing Options — Part 2

    Audiobooks Audiobooks are an alternative to printed books and eBooks which are growing in favour at a very rapid rate. Put simply, an audiobook is a voice recording of the text of your book. Producing an audiobook, however, is more complex than it might seem. Every chapter and all of the separate front matters, such…

  • Self-Publishing Options

    Self-Publishing Options

    Once you’ve decided to self-publish, you will need to consider what options are available for you to do that. In part, this will be linked to what kind of book you intend to publish.  The expected size will be one factor. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (Amazon KDP), the current clear market leader, offers sixteen different…

  • Why Self-Publish — Part 3

    Why Self-Publish — Part 3

    Vanity Press or Subsidy Publishing In my previous two blogs on this matter I discussed going down the traditional publishing path and straight-forward self-publishing. The third path is to have your work published by a ‘vanity press’ or ‘subsidy publishing’ business. There are publishers who will take a manuscript and publish it at the author’s…

  • Why Self-Publish — Part 2

    Why Self-Publish — Part 2

    In case you missed it, tap here to read Why Self-Publish — Part 1. In my last blog, I talked about traditional publishing and what I see as some of the pros and cons of going down that path. In this blog, I will focus on the primary alternative — self publishing. In my next…

  • Why Self-Publish — Part 1

    Why Self-Publish — Part 1

    You’ve finished your manuscript, or you’re getting very close to the end, and your mind is starting to turn to getting your work published. The hard work is almost over. Well … not quite. I’d like to start this book on a positive note by confirming that all of the work is, in fact, behind…

  • New non-fiction publication by Mark McCabe now available

    Mark has recently released his first non-fiction publication, Self-Publishing: A Step-by-Step Guide. This new book is currently available from Amazon and will be available through other online retailers shortly. Click here to find out more.

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